top 雜病篇 卷之一 審病 病愈日時

2.14 病愈日時

병이 낫는 날짜와 시간

The Time of Recovery

1 凡病欲知何時得, 何時愈. 答曰, 假令夜半得病, 明日日中愈, 日中得病, 夜半愈, 何以言之. 日中得病, 夜半愈者, 以陽得陰則解也. 夜半得病, 日中愈者, 以陰得陽則解也. 《仲景》

대체로 병은 언제 생겨 언제 낫는가? 답하기를, "한밤중에 병이 생기면 다음날 한낮에 낫고, 한낮에 병이 생기면 한밤중에 낫는다. 왜 그러한가? 한낮에 생긴 병이 한밤중에 낫는 것은 양이 음을 얻으면 풀리기 때문이고, 한밤중에 얻은 병이 한낮에 낫는 것은 음이 양을 얻으면 풀리기 때문이다"라고 하였다. 《중경》

When does one get sick and when does one recover? It is answered, "If one gets sick during the night, one will recover during the following day. If one gets sick during the day, one will recover during the night. Why is it so? The reason a disease that has occurred during the night goes away during the day is because yang is freed once it acquires yin. The reason why a disease that has occurred during the day goes away during the night is because yin is freed once it acquires yang. 《仲景》