top 鍼灸篇 鍼灸 八會穴

1.71 八會穴


The Eight Meeting Points

1 府會, 太倉中脘穴. 藏會, 季脇章門穴. 筋會, 陽陵泉穴名. 髓會, 絶骨陽輔穴. 血會, 膈腧穴名. 骨會, 大杼穴名. 脉會, 太淵穴名. 氣會, 三焦外一筋直兩乳內也. 膻中穴.

부회(府會)는 태창중완혈이고, 장회(藏會)는 아래쪽 옆구리장문혈이며, 근회(筋會)는 양릉천혈명이고, 수회(髓會)는 절골양보혈이다. 혈회(血會)는 격수혈명이고, 골회(骨會)는 대저혈명이며, 맥회(脉會)는 태연혈명이고, 기회(氣會)는 삼초 밖의 근육이 양쪽 젖꼭지 안쪽에 있는 곳전중혈이다.

The bowel meeting is gathered in CV12. The viscera meeting is gathered in the hypochondrium (LR13). The tendon meeting is gathered in GB34. The marrow meeting is gathered in GB38. The blood meeting is gathered in BL17. The bone meeting is gathered in BL11. The vessel meeting is gathered in LU9. The qi meeting is gathered where the muscles are located, exterior to the triple energizers, and medial to the nipples (CV17).

2 府會, 中脘, 府病治此. 藏1會, 章門, 藏病治此. 筋會, 陽陵泉, 筋病治此. 髓會, 絶骨, 髓病治此. 血會, 膈腧, 血病治此. 骨會, 大杼, 骨病治此. 脉 會, 太淵, 脉 病治此. 氣會, 膻中, 氣病治此. 《難經》

부회(府會)는 중완이므로 부병에는 이곳을 치료한다. 장회(藏會)는 장문이므로 장병에는 이곳을 치료한다. 근회(筋會)는 양릉천이므로 근병에는 이곳을 치료한다. 수회(髓會)는 절골이므로 수병에는 이곳을 치료한다. 혈회(血會)는 격수이므로 혈병에는 이곳을 치료한다. 골회(骨會)는 대저이므로 골병에는 이곳을 치료한다. 맥회(脉會)는 태연이므로 맥병에는 이곳을 치료한다. 기회(氣會)는 전중이므로 기병에는 이곳을 치료한다. 《난경》

Since the bowel meeting is gathered in CV12, the physician should treat here when treating a disease related to the six bowels. Since the viscera meeting is gathered in LR13, the physician should treat here when treating a disease related to the five viscera. Since the tendon meeting is gathered in GB34, the physician should treat here when treating a tendon-related disease. Since the marrow meeting is gathered in GB38, the physician should treat here when treating the bone marrow. Since the blood meeting is gathered in BL17, the physician should treat here when treating a blood-related disease. Since the bone meeting is gathered in BL11, the physician should treat here when treating a bone-related disease. Since the vessel meeting is gathered in LU9, the physician should treat here when treating a meridian-related disease. Since the qi meeting is gathered in CV17, the physician should treat here when treating a qi-related disease. 《難經》

교감기 1 蔵 ※갑영_동, 기영_나, 기영_국, 갑완_와, 남산