top 外形篇卷之三 乳癰年高不治

2.11 乳癰年高不治

유옹은 나이가 많으면 치료되지 않는다

Breast Abscesses Cannot Be Cured If the Patient Is Old

1 凡乳癰結核, 四十已下可治. 五十已上不可治, 治之則死, 不治則自得終其天年. 《得效》

유옹으로 생긴 멍울은 40세 이하이면 치료할 수 있다. 50세 이상이면 치료할 수 없으니 치료하면 죽고 치료하지 않으면 타고난 수명을 다할 수 있다. 《득효》

Clumps caused by breast cancer can be cured if the patient is under 40 years of age. Since those over 50 cannot be cured, they will die if one tries to cure them and will live their born life if they are not treated. 《得效》

2 千金曰, 女人患乳癰, 四十以下, 治之多愈, 四十以上, 治之多死, 不治則自終其天年. 予有親婦, 年七十生乳癰, 令外科用鍼刀治之. 時雖暫快, 未幾而殂. 方知千金之說, 信也. 歷試皆然. 《資生》

《천금》에, "여인이 유옹을 앓을 때 40세 이하는 치료하여 대부분 나았다. 40세 이상은 치료하면 대부분 죽고, 치료하지 않으면 타고난 수명대로 살았다"고 하였다. 내가 아는 부인이 70세에 유옹이 생겨서 외과 의사에게 침과 칼을 써서 치료받았다. 그때는 잠시 낫는 것 같았으나 조금 있다가 죽었으니 《천금》에서 한 말이 믿을 만하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이후 낱낱이 시험해 보았는데, 모두 그러하였다. 《자생》

Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold for Emergencies (千金) says, "When a woman suffered from breast cancer, those under 40 were mostly treated and cured. Those over 40 mostly died when they were treated, and lived up to their original lifespan when they were not treated." A woman I know had breast cancer when she was 70, and was treated by a surgeon using acupuncture and knife. She seemed to get better at that time, but died soon after. I then knew that the sayings in the Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold for Emergencies (千金) were reliable. After that, i've seen similar cases many times, and they were all like the ones I mentioned above. 《資生》