top 雜病篇卷之五 咳嗽 取嚏法

3.24 取嚏法

재채기를 하게 하는 법

Methods to Induce Sneezing

1 一人患傷寒將愈, 忽患咳逆, 百藥無效. 遂用皂角末吹鼻, 得嚏而止, 少時又吃, 又吹又止. 凡百餘次, 自是漸疏, 二三日而止. 此合靈樞草刺鼻嚏之法同. 《綱目》

어떤 사람이 상한이 나으려고 할 때 갑자기 딸꾹질을 하였는데 모든 약이 효과가 없었다. 조각 가루를 코에 불어 넣어서 재채기를 하니 멎었고, 조금 있다가 또 딸꾹질을 하기에 또 불어 넣으니 멎었다. 이렇게 100여 번을 하는 동안 점차 간격이 늘어나 2~3일 만에 멎었다. 이것은 《영추》에 나오는 '풀로 코를 자극하여 재채기를 나게 하는 법'과 같은 방법이다. 《강목》

One suddenly had hiccups when the patient was recovering from cold damage. There was no drug that was effective. The hiccups stopped after sneezing was induced by blowing Gleditsiae Spina (皂角) powder into the nostrils. A little later when the hiccups reoccurred, Gleditsiae Spina (皂角) powder was blown into the nostrils again and the hiccups stopped again. After repeating this a hundred times, the interval of hiccups was stretched, and the patient was cured in 2-3 days. This is the same as 'the method of inducing sneezing by stimulating the nose with grass' mentioned in the Divine Pivot (靈樞). 《綱目》