top 內景篇卷之二 津液 通治藥

5.27 通治藥

두루 치료하는 약

Common Medicinals

1 自汗盜汗諸汗, 通用黃芪湯ㆍ牡蠣散方見上ㆍ補中益氣湯方見內傷ㆍ雙和湯方見虛勞.

자한ㆍ도한 등 땀이 나는 모든 증상에는 황기탕ㆍ모려산처방은 앞에 나온다ㆍ보중익기탕처방은 내상문에 나온다ㆍ쌍화탕처방은 허로문에 나온다을 두루 쓴다.

For spontaneous sweating, night sweating, and other sweating disorders, Astragalus Decoction (黃芪湯), Oyster Shell Powder The prescriptions are mentioned above. , Tonify the Center to Augment the qi Decoction (補中益氣湯) the prescription is in the chapter on Internal Damage and Double Harmony Decoction Tthe prescription is in the chapter on Deficiency Vexation are used in general.